Mini Swimming FAQs
Can my baby start classes at any age?
We are happy to accept babies from 6 weeks old onto our courses. Before this age we can suggest useful exercises for you and your baby in the bath at home.
What is baby swimming?
Baby and toddler swimming introduces young swimmers to the water with an adult. Our lessons are created to make swimming fun, using exciting play activities and songs. You will learn how to hold and support your baby and stimulate his/her natural swimming reflexes in a fun and safe environment.
What should I wear to lessons?
If swimming in a parent and child class. We advise you wear suitable supportive swimwear which is comfortable for you.
If you are spectating, please bear in mind poolside gets very warm. Please wear cool, loose fitting clothing and bring a drink with you.
What should my baby/ child wear to lessons?
Babies must wear a double nappy system to avoid any accidents happening in the water and keep the pools nice and clean for all of us to use. This means your baby will need to wear a disposable swim nappy, such as ‘huggies little swimmer’ nappy plus a Happy nappy which looks like a pair of swimming shorts but is fitted on the tummy and legs to ensure that soil does not escape and contaminate the pool. Happy Nappies can be purchased via our swim shop Swim Shop | Mini Swimming
Fully toilet trained and Child Only Classes. Children should wear appropriate swim wear, not bikini’s ideally as they do have a tendency to fail! We like children to wear swim hats in the academy classes (4yrs old +) but if your child really dislikes them then that is fine.
My baby hasn’t had all the immunisations yet – is it safe to swim?
The NHS advises that it is completely safe to take your baby swimming at any age, whether or not they have had their immunisations yet. Please see the NHS website for their advice on when to start taking your baby swimming: NHS Website
As explained above, we accept babies from six weeks onto our courses. It is a great idea to get your newborn baby swimming as soon as possible as they tend to be naturally comfortable in water when they are very young. Obviously we want you to be completely happy with our courses – so please let us know if you’d prefer to be on a waiting list first so you secure your place with us.
I can’t swim, can I still participate?
Yes, absolutely, around 10% of our swimmers cannot swim or cannot swim very well and they want their babies to not be the same. Our pools are all of a depth that you will comfortably be able to stand up. The chances are our swimming courses will improve your confidence in the water as well as your baby’s.
Will I have to put my baby underwater?
The simple answer to this is: no.
Mini Swimming lessons are designed for both you and your baby to make the most from your time in the water. We would never force anyone to do anything they were not happy doing and we understand that not all parents would like the idea of submerging their baby underwater. A cue in the form of a wet test is always carried out to make sure that babies are ready, and most importantly happy to swim underwater. Most importantly however – there is such a scope of such fantastic activities that we can do with you for baby swimming – it’s not just about babies being underwater. We focus on every element that we can teach you through our courses.
Will I need equipment for lessons?
You will only need swimwear, babies’ nappy and swimwear and towels (for after lessons).
We will provide the equipment needed for your lessons. We do sell woggles and floats should you wish to purchase your own.
All items can be bought online and collected from the Stanway pool.
Will my partner/ another adult be able to join in with lessons?
We do ask that the 1 parent/guardian goes into the water with your little one. You are very welcome to bring along another parent/guaridan to spectate poolside.
If you are looking for a class where both parents can attend, we do offer a private class called Baby’s first swim where both parents can attend. For more information go to: First Baby Swim Page
How long before swimming should I feed my baby?
Please avoid feeding solids at least one hour before swimming. Breast feeding can be done just before the class if needed. If your class is around their usual feeding time then we would advise a ‘snack’ a while before so that they aren’t starving. Swimming makes babies very hungry so it best that they aren’t starving.
When should I arrive for lessons?
We ask swimmers not to arrive more than 7 minutes before their class time. This is so that our cleaners can get in between swimmers. The 7 minutes should still give you plenty of time to get ready, particularly if your swimming costume is on underneath.
What happens to our swimming lessons once my baby grows and isn’t a baby anymore?
At Mini Swimming we are more than just a baby swim school; we continue teaching babies through to toddlers and beyond. We continue our aquatic journey all the way to 11 year olds.
If my child is poorly can we still attend?
If your child has a mild cold and is quite happy then please do come along. The water has quite an amazing decongestant ability! If however your child is miserable or has a severe cold or a temperature then its best to not attend as it will not be a good experience for either of you. If your child has any illness that is contagious such as diarrhoea, sickness or conjunctivitis- anything that a nursery/school for example would send your child home with, please do not attend the class.
How do I book a space?
You can book your class for all pools by going to: you will see the full schedule for each pool and if a class has space it will say “add to basket”. The term dates are detailed on each day for each pool including any holidays.
Alternatively, should you wish to book via the office, we are open 7 days a week;
Office – 01206 483933
WhatsApp – 07767510524
What happens if I go on holiday or my child is poorly?
Most clubs and groups don’t offer this but we understand that sometimes we are poorly and sometimes we have a lovely holiday that isn’t the same as our holiday and we don’t want you to miss out
Please read over the rules and guidelines to these make up classes:
- We must have been notified by 9:00am on the day of their class. We then then mark the child down as a planned absence.
- When they are feeling better we will do our very best to book in a make up class that is suitable for you (Make up classes are offered subject to availability and only offered if you have informed us by 9:00am in the day of their class) .
- We allow no more than 1 make up class for every 7 weeks of swimming. You can notify us of your child’s absence by email, phone call, Whatsapp, or Facebook message. Just let us know you will not be attending. It is best to wait until little one is better before booking in a make up class as these can not be re-arranged once booked.
Make–up class bookings are to be booked by telephone only. This allows us to efficiently manage the booking these in without many back-and-forth emails to find a day/time that suits.
Can I change the time or day I swim?
As long as there is space in the class you wish to move to then yes you can move class. We ask that you look at the schedule online to see the times and days and which classes have spaces and then advise us by email of your change request.
Do you close for school holidays?
Our pools in Lexden, Stanway & Columbus College in Chelmsford) Are open all year round with the exception of 1 week at Easter, 2 weeks in August & 2 weeks at Christmas.
Our CCHS Pool closes over the summer holidays
Gladwins Pool Nayland opemn inline with Suffolk school holidays.
What happens to my space after the first term?
Existing swimmers always get their spaces guaranteed in future terms. During your term you will be contacted by email and asked if you want to continue on and given the deadline for when you must pay. Spaces are offered to the waiting list only if a swimmer doesn’t wish to continue or doesn’t pay in time.
If you want to carry on but you get paid shortly after the deadline you should get in touch and we will happily extend your deadline by a few days.
Can I pay by Direct debit?
We do offer Direct Debit payments in our Lexden, Stanway and Columbus pools. Once you are booked in you will get an email with details on how to set up a DD going forward.
Alternatively, contact the office to get this set up.
– 01206 483933
WhatsApp – 07767510524
Can the parent attending rotate or can my mum bring my son to his class?
Absolutely fine. As long as the person attending is fit and well they are very welcome. The attending parent/guardian must be an adult.
Can we watch the lessons?
If your child goes into the pool without you. They must be accompanied by an adult in order to help with toileting and changing etc.
CCHS Pool spectators are rotated each week.
Do you offer private classes?
Yes, we have availability and information is listed here: