Private Kid’s Swimming Lessons

Useful prior to going on holiday or to your child starting swimming at school.

We often get asked for private swimming lessons. The reason for parents choosing private tuition for their children can be varied, although mostly it is to improve a child’s confidence or to work on a particular stroke. You may also find a private lesson (or a course of them) useful prior to going on holiday or to the child starting swimming at school.

Whatever your objectives, each of our half hour long private classes is held by one of our fully qualified instructors who will tailor the class exactly to your child’s needs. The classes can be booked as one-off sessions, and in Colchester only, can also be booked as a course (to be taken over consecutive weeks), which represents a small saving over booking the                            classes individually.

We offer a limited number of slots for private classes, most of which are already reserved by swimmers with long-term bookings. These individuals secure the same slot on a weekly basis, booking in blocks of six, similar to our group classes. When their booking dwindles to two remaining classes, we inquire about renewal. Their slot remains theirs indefinitely, and we do not accept bookings beyond their six-week arrangement unless they opt to discontinue. Consequently, their slot is consistently reserved for them. Any unclaimed slots are open for either long-term or ad-hoc bookings. To ensure we can always accommodate long-term bookers, we limit ad-hoc bookings to two weeks in advance. This way, we avoid having to inform new long-term bookers that their regular slot may not be available on certain days. We maintain a waiting list for both ad-hoc and long-term slots, so if there are specific slots you’re interested in, we can take your details and notify you when they become available.


Costs for private lessons

One child- £35.00 per lesson or £190 for a course of six 

Two children (of the same ability)- £40.00 per lesson or £225 for a course of six

To book – Please call us on 01376 340310 or email us at

Private Group Lessons

Do you have a group of friends who all would like to swim together with little ones of the same age? You can book a group class where the only participants are you! Suitable for groups of up to 6 friends. Please note there must be one adult in the water per child. Cost is £500 for 10 weeks which works out at £50 per week.

Contact us for times.

How to book

If you are thinking about booking some private swimming tuition for your child at any of the pools listed above, please do get in touch on:

01376 340 310

We look forward to hearing from you.