Hi, I’m Heidi

I’m a Swimming Teacher and Assistant here at Mini Swimming.

Originally from London, I now live near the seaside with my two beautiful children, who are my world.

From a very young age, I loved being in the water and first started training to be a competitive swimmer at the age of 4! My parents still have all my certificates and medals including my first ever certificate for a one-width front paddle, which my Dad still proudly shows to visiting friends and family!

I first came across Mini Swimming when they opened up classes in Frinton in August 2015. At that time my son was 4 and my daughter was 2.

I had found the local public pool too cold and crowded to teach the children to swim, so I decided to find a swimming school and invest in some swimming lessons.

I wanted to ensure that they would be taught in a safe, happy, and relaxed environment, so they would quickly develop an enjoyment of being in the water and then feel confident to take part in the lessons.
I couldn’t have been happier that I chose Mini Swimming.

Steve was our first Teacher, later followed by Sam. Both invested the time to get to know us so that my children and I got the most from each lesson and progressed at a pace we were comfortable with. We were never rushed or pressured into doing any activity.

I was impressed by their knowledge of the theory behind each activity and how safety was always a top priority. I always felt that my children were safe at all times. They made each lesson fun and engaging and swimming quickly became our favorite thing to do all week!

Mini Swimming advertised for a Swim Assistant at their Frinton pool a few years later and I jumped at the chance to be part of the team. Since becoming a Mum, I decided that I wanted a career change and that I would love to work with children. I couldn’t think of a better way of doing this and I could combine it with my love for swimming!

I have recently trained for an STA Baby and Pre School Teacher qualification and an STA Level 2 Award in Teaching Swimming. This means that I now get to teach my own classes of swimmers. I feel it’s a real privilege to get to know our lovely swimmers and their families and to be involved in their swimming journey.

From the joy of a baby’s first swim with Mummy, Daddy, Nanny or Grandad to the excitement of a child’s first solo swim, there is always something special to be part of.

There’s lots of fun and laughter and occasionally a few tears too!! But it’s all very rewarding ….and it feels so much more than a job.

I hope I get to meet you soon!